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Table 1 Baseline characteristics of participants of the German Day-Care Study for the sample with 12-months follow-up data (n = 304)

From: Can brief telephone interventions reduce caregiver burden and depression in caregivers of people with cognitive impairment? - long-term results of the German day-care study (RCT)


Intervention group

Control group

Test for group differences

(n = 173)

(n = 131)


Caregiver (CG)

 Age, M (SD)

60.0 (11.8)

59.0 (11.3)


 Women, no. (%)

128 (74.0)

99 (75.6)


 Educational attainment (yrs.), M (SD)i

10.8 (2.8)

10.8 (2.8)


 Occupation: Employed, no. (%)

89 (51.4)

72 (55.0)


 Marital status, no. (%)


.755 b

  Married/long-term relationship

133 (76.9)

103 (78.6)



24 (13.9)

19 (14.5)



16 (9.2)

9 (6.9)


 Relationship to care recipient, no. (%)


.846 b


50 (28.9)

36 (27.5)


  Son/daughter (in-law)

113 (65.3)

89 (67.9)



10 (5.8)

6 (4.6)


 Caregiver burden (BSFC-s), M (SD)

11.7 (8.0)

13.0 (7.5)


 Depressiveness (WHO-5), M (SD)

12.0 (6.0)

12.0 (5.6)


 Benefits (BIZA-D), M (SD)

12.7 (4.9)

12.5 (5.5)


 Health-related quality of life (EQ-5D-5 L), M (SD)

0.9 (0.2)

0.8 (0.2)


Person with cognitive impairment (PCI)

 Age, M (SD)

81.1 (7.4)

81.0 (7.6)


 Women, no. (%)

107 (61.8)

82 (62.6)


 Educational attainment (yrs.), M (SD)

9.8 (2.5)

9.6 (2.2)


 Cognitive impairment (MMSE), M (SD)ii

19.7 (4.7)

19.7 (4.7)


 Mild cognitive impairment

25.8 (1.5)

26.2 (1.5)


 Mild dementia

20.5 (1.8)

20.5 81.7)


 Moderate dementia

14.5 (2.4)

14.9 (2.0)


 Activities of daily living (ETAM), M (SD)

18.0 (7.0)

17.8 (7.4)


 Social behavior (NOSGER), M (SD)

15.5 (4.2)

15.5 (4.4)


 Neuropsychiatric symptomatology (NPI), M (SD)

5.0 (2.7)

5.3 (2.7)


 Care level, no. (%)iii




7 (4.0)

12 (9.2)



16 (9.2)

13 (9.9)



95 (54.9)

63 (48.1)



53 (30.6)

42 (32.1)



2 (1.2)

1 (0.8)


 Use of anti-dementive medication, no. (%)iv

120 (69.4)

98 (74.8)


Care situation

 Main caregiver, no. (%)

153 (88.4)

119 (90.8)


 Sole informal caregiver, no. (%)

97 (56.1)

70 (53.4)


 Living together, no. (%)

82 (47.4)

59 (45.0)


 Duration of informal care (month), M (SD)

61.5 (50.1)

60.3 (55.1)


 Frequency of day-care use per week, M (SD)v

1.9 (1.2)

1.9 (1.1)


 Informal care time per day (h), M (SD)vi

3.0 (2.1)

3.1 (2.0)


 No. of additional offers of formal care support, M (SD)vii

1.6 (1.3)

1.6 (1.3)


 Use of other offers of caregiver counseling (%)viii

44 (25.4)

47 (35.9)


  1. i Minimum: 7 yrs. (no compulsory school-leaving certificate) – Maximum: 18 yrs. (university degree)
  2. ii Mild Cognitive Impairment: MMSE 30–24, Mild dementia: MMSE 23–18, Moderate dementia: MMSE 17–10
  3. iii Extent to which nursing care is needed according to the German Health and Care Insurance: none (no needs), 0 (low needs), 1 (moderate needs), 2 (high needs), and 3 (very high needs)
  4. iv Intake of memantine or acetylcholinesterase inhibitors
  5. v Average frequency per week in the first month
  6. vi Hours of average informal care per day adjusted for day-care attendance at baseline
  7. vii Sum index of (in addition to day-care) formal care and support offers used (care service, care group, meals on wheels, respite care, ambulatory care service, home help service)
  8. viii Displays the use of either one: caregiver skill training/counseling service for caregivers/support group for caregivers at the beginning of the study
  9. a t-Test/U-Test
  10. b Chi-square Test