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Table 2 Summary of themes and sub-themes (Management of care recipients’ fall risk)

From: Understanding carers’ fall concern and their management of fall risk among older people at home

Example of related sentences/phrases




‘Maybe I don’t know everything that could be done, to prevent. That’s why I like to be around a lot more’ (C18)

Being around care recipient

Increase supervision

Fall prevention strategies used

‘I do telephone. Checking on her most of the days. I visit maybe three times a week’ (C17)

Telephone to check on care recipient

Calling the care recipient

‘We really don’t go out much and leave each other. We do go shopping together, we prepare the meals together’ (C11)

Doing things together to reduce fall risk

Doing things together

‘We have got railings outside the house for the steps to prevent falling. In the house we had modifications to the shower’ (C4)

Installing handrails to prevent falls

Home modification

‘It happened so quickly. Out of the sudden she fell. It happened so quickly that you didn’t have time to support her’ (C2)

Fall is unexpected

Did not encounter such risk

Risk of preventing falls

‘I don’t try to assist because I could be injured as well. You should just let them fall, if they are going to fall’ (C4)

Afraid of getting injured when helping

Aware of physical limitation

‘My daughter and some of the grandchildren, they help out at times. Especially with the yard and the bigger jobs’ (C8)

Help in manual activities by family members

Support from family

Support from family and friends

‘We have friends who put up rails at front and back for us. With the steps, and they made the steps smaller’ (C15)

Home modifications by friends

Support from friends

‘It’s very tiring for me…we have the kids always promising to come in and help…and they got their own life’ (C10)

Lack of support

Lack of support

‘When he had his first operation, the nurse in the emergency… gave me a piece of paper with what to do if he falls over’ (C5)

Given brochure on fall prevention

Information on fall prevention

Support from healthcare professionals

‘As part of the rehabilitation, there was physiotherapist instruction on what to do… to make sure you don’t fall’ (C6)

Physiotherapist advice in fall prevention

Support from allied healthcare professionals

‘We were advised by the hospital about how to break the fall…Anyway, these were only after the fall’ (C2)

Advice on fall prevention after fall

Received support only after the fall