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Table 1 Sample characteristics (N = 85)

From: A cross-sectional study examining convergent validity of a frailty index based on electronic medical records in a Canadian primary care program

Age, mean, M (Me, SD)

81.1 (82; 7.6)

Female, N (%)

51 (60)

Marital status, N (%):

- Married/common-law partner

45 (52.9)

- Divorced/separated

5 (5.9)

- Single

8 (9.4)

- Widowed

27 (31.8)

Education, N (%):

-no formal education

1 (1.2)

-primary school

16 (18.8)

-secondary school

38 (44.7)

-post-secondary school

30 (35.3)

Lives alone, N (%)

29 (34.1)

Use of formal home support, N (%)

23 (27.1)

Taking 5 and more medications (prescription and over the counter), N (%)

71 (83.5)

Having 3 and more chronic conditions, N (%)

76 (89.4)

Reason for assessment in SCH

Cognitive impairment/dementia

27 (31.8)

Caregiver burden

10 (11.8)

Chronic pain

16 (18.8)


15 (17.6)

Failure to thrive

2 (2.4)

Falls and decreased mobility

26 (30.6)

Home support

1 (1.2)

Medication review or polypharmacy

10 (11.8)

Medically complex

9 (10.6)

Other (e.g. maintaining health, general fatigue, interest in the program)

25 (29.4)