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Table 1 Focus Group Interview Guide

From: Non-spouse companions accompanying older adults to medical visits: a qualitative analysis

Before the visit – preparation.

o How do you prepare for the visit?

 Prompts: Do you discuss the visit with the older person beforehand? Do you identify what issues do they want to discuss with the doctor? Do you check if caregivers noticed any new issues/changes? Do you write down questions?

o If you do prepare do you find it helpful?

The visit itself – procedures, usefulness.

o Can you tell us a bit about your role during the visit itself?

 Prompts: - Do you take notes?

  - Do you include the older person in the discussion or do you/they feel that it’s more helpful for you to do the talking?

  - Do you normally understand everything the doctor says?

  - Do you feel your presence is helpful?

  - What do you bring with you? List of meds? List of questions?

  - How many people usually accompany your relative/friend?

o What do you think are the important things to discuss?

 Prompts: medical issues? medications? function?

o Can you suggest ways in which the setup of the consultation could be improved?

o How often do you accompany someone to visits – is it always the same person?

After the visit – the overall experience, welcome, willingness to do it again, disseminating information learned at visit.

o What benefits, if any, do you get from accompanying someone to a medical consultation?

o What impact, if any, does accompanying someone to a medical consultation have on you?

o Do you feel welcome?

o Are any groups of physicians more welcoming? Gender, specialty.

o Do you disseminate the information to other family members, caregivers etc.?

o Why do you accompany people?

o Would you like more information on accompanying someone to a medical consultation?

o Do you plan on being a Medical visit Companion again in the future?