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Table 4 Equipping the workforce with the necessary skills and information to care for people with dementia: CMOcs, consensus statements and outcomes

From: Developing an Intervention for Fall-Related Injuries in Dementia (DIFRID): an integrated, mixed-methods approach



Consensus statements




Context: cognitive impairment may limit the ability of people with dementia to pass on information

Mechanism (resource): staff use multiple sources of information including carers and direct observation

Mechanism (reasoning): staff gain a better understanding of the individual

Outcome: staff are able to provide appropriate, tailored care

Assessment should involve multiple sources of information including information from carers

Agreed round 1 (93–100%)

The assessment (Table 2) includes all of these components

Assessment should include direct observation

A home hazard assessment should include a walk around the house to determine where actual falls have occurred and negotiate how these might be reduced


Context: current staff knowledge of, and attitudes to, dementia are variable

Mechanism (resource): increased dementia training is provided

Mechanism (reasoning): staff gain skills in and understanding of rehabilitation for people with dementia

Outcome: staff ability and willingness toengage with people with dementia is enhanced

Tier 2 training is required for intervention staff

Agreed round 2 (85%)

This was deemed unfeasible in the time available. A tailored training programme was developed, including items from tier 2 training.

Training needs to include how to tailor an intervention for people with dementia.

Agreed round 1 (100%)

Training includes this

Training needs to include advice on how to engage and motivate people with dementia.

Training includes this

Training should include on the job role modelling

This was deemed unfeasible in the time available. Training delivered by therapists with experience in working with people with dementia, who were available remotely for advice.


Context: care pathways are often unclear

Mechanism (resource): a centralised, collaborative pathway is developed and disseminated

Mechanism (reasoning): staff are better equipped to refer to the most appropriate services

Outcome: service users receive better treatment

The setting of the intervention should make use of existing pathways only when referral from the team deems it would be useful for the individual

Agreed round 1 (85.7–100%)

Assessment document includes tracking referrals that are decided by MDT

A multidisciplinary team (MDT) meeting should be available if needed

• MDT composition agreed as physiotherapist, OT, support workers and geriatrician, with a general nurse available where the team already included this. Community psychiatric nurse (CPN), social workers, reablement workers, old age psychiatrists and podiatrists accessible by referral.

• MDT meetings available at beginning and middle of intervention period.

Therapists should offer service users information on assistive devices and facilitate delivery

This is flagged in the assessment document and available when needed