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Table 1 The Six Principles of CHOICE

From: Mixed methods developmental evaluation of the CHOICE program: a relationship-centred mealtime intervention for long-term care


Feeling a sense of togetherness and belonging with others. It is important to get to know who the resident is and how they like to connect with others at mealtimes.

Honouring Dignity

Respecting a resident’s decisions, choices, and actions at mealtimes.

Offering Support

Adapting to what a resident needs in the moment. The amount and type of support may change from meal to meal. It is best to ask a resident what they need or want instead of making assumptions.

Supporting Identity

Accepting and acknowledging a resident for who they are today, while working to understand their life story that includes significant events, roles, and important relationships. Who they are will impact how they experience mealtimes.

Creating Opportunities

Engaging in meaningful mealtime roles is important to all of us. Involve residents in familiar or new meal related activities to make them feel a part of a familiar routine.


Creating a welcoming, relaxed, and friendly dining environment can lead to more enjoyment at mealtimes. Create mealtime events for special occasions, such as birthdays or cultural holidays.