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Table 1 In- and Exclusion Criteria

From: Minimally invasive anterior muscle-sparing versus a transgluteal approach for hemiarthroplasty in femoral neck fractures-a prospective randomised controlled trial including 190 elderly patients

Inclusion Criteria

Exclusion Criteria

Age of 60 years or more, ambulatory with/without walking aid before trauma

Multiple fractures

Femoral neck fracture eligible for hemi-arthroplasty in accordance with the algorithm for femoral neck fractures

Suspicion of a pathological fracture in the context of known or unknown malignancy

Previous surgery on the injured femur

Informed consent in surgery and trial- participation

Refusal of trial participation by the patient or legal representatives

  1. In- and exclusion criteria chosen deliberately broad to increase the external validity of the results. The exclusion criteria based on the pattern of injury were defined to avoid an interference with early mobility by e.g. the inability to use walking aids due to fractures of the upper extremity, or lesions to the contralateral leg