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Table 2 Correlations between CBM and balance, gait, and walking outcomes

From: Concurrent validity and reliability of the Community Balance and Mobility scale in young-older adults

Balance and/or mobility tests

Spearman correlation with CBM score


ρ (p)

95% CI


FAB scale (score)


0.59; 0.85


8-level balance scale (score)


0.03; 0.61


3MTW test (seconds)a


−0.65; 0.00


3MTW test (errors) a


−0.33; − 0.83


TUG test (seconds)b


−0.10; − 0.67


Gait speed (cm/seconds)b


0.22; 0.66


  1. CBM Community Balance & Mobility Scale, FAB Fullerton Advanced Balance Scale, 3MTW 3 Meter Tandem Walk, TUG Timed Up-and-Go; ρ Spearman correlation coefficient, CI Confidence Interval
  2. aData reported on 31 participants; bData reported on 46 participants