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Table 4 Associations between risk factors and occurrence of postoperative complications calculated with chi-square for linear trend

From: The effects of pre-existing dementia on surgical outcomes in emergent and nonemergent general surgical procedures: assessing differences in surgical risk with dementia


Dementia group (N, 120)

Non-dementia group (N, 120)


Occurrence of complication

Occurrence of complication




p value



p value


n = 100

n = 20


n = 89

n = 31


Risk factor

 Age ≥ 75 years

81 (81)

11 (55)


47 (52.8)

15 (48.4)


 Congestive herart disease

41 (41)

5 (25)


29 (32.6)

3 (9.7)


 Cardiac arrhythmia

53 (53)

5 (25)


33 (37.1)

6 (19.4)



40 (40)

7 (35)


41 (46.1)

6 (19.4)


 Kidney disease

37 (37)

7 (35)


26 (29.2)

3 (9.7)


 ASA classification > 2

82 (91.2)

16 (84.2)


76 (87.4)

17 (56.7)


 Emergent operation

56 (56)

5 (25)


48 (53.9)

9 (29)


  1. Numbers in bracket show values presented in n (%) unless noted otherwise