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Table 2 Acceptability of routine grip strength implementation

From: Implementation of grip strength measurement in medicine for older people wards as part of routine admission assessment: identifying facilitators and barriers using a theory-led intervention



Patient’s acceptability

I mean it was so harmless that you didn’t mind doing it…Quite happy to do it because let’s face it it’ll be, it’s ultimately for my own good isn’t it? (Patient 1, Male, Grip Strength = 26)

Yeah that was fairly, you know, clear. You had to sort of keep it steady and then squeeze the first one hand and then change over and you did the other one. And then I think we did it again to just to make sure, cos, you know, possibly the same reading, yeah (Patient 3, Female, Grip strength = 35)

I think it could be important to judge that but I don’t know if there is any other means of judging muscle strengths, because you don’t know what it was before do you? So how, how can you tell from just one result. I mean if it’s sort of adds to information which helps I think that’s a good thing (Patient 4, Male, Grip strength = 34)

Just had to squeeze my hand on the machine sort of testing, sort of you know muscle strength that kind of thing (Patient 5, Male, Grip strength = 18)

It was quite stiff I thought, you had to really press hard to…You just try your best and I’ve got to squeeze as hard as I can (Patient 6, Female, Grip strength = 20)

Well it provides long term information to help find out how strong people are normally and if they can manage on their own then it seems a good idea (Patient 8, Male, Grip strength = 20)

Staff acceptability

I think, well if you reach the goal, or in order for the doctors to prescribe Fortisips or supplements and to be more aware that the patient doesn’t have much strength, I think yes it is because it doesn’t take us long so, if it helps the patient then I am happy to do it of course (Nurse 6)

I think it’s as good, I think the key is that we highlight these people so we can try and manage them appropriately, and certainly everything I’ve read about grip strength which seems to be positive and supportive that it’s picking up the right people (Consultant 2)

I think it’s good, it could be useful. I think it’s a quick thing to do. Obviously it’s just as a general rule, highlighting somebody might be a risk of frailty then; with such a quick test I think it is good… it’s positive. ………but it’s not quite embedded into our sort of daily practice as a unit, not just as a therapy team (Therapist 1)

I think there was an element sometimes I kind of get ‘oh phew they have been prescribed’. Sometimes it’s great, it’s probably beneficial. But it’s just that kind of small matter of the overlap on. Cos I do think there is a service, I do think if there is a place that, I’ve always said that, but it’s kind of making sure that you’re not overlapping on work (Dietician 1)