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Table 1 Description of the participants

From: Cognitive function in very old men does not correlate to biomarkers of Alzheimer’s disease

Age, mean ± SD (range)

88.5 ± 0.9 (86–92)

Demented/non-demented, N


Computed tomography, N


CSF analyses, N


Post mortem evaluation, N


MMSE (N = 49), median (range)

28 (19–30)

 Non-demented (N = 39)

28 (25–30)

 Demented (N = 10)

25.5 (19–29)

Object recall test (N = 57), median (range)

7 (1–12)

 Non-demented (N = 45)

7 (3–12)

 Demented (N = 12)

4.5 (1–8)

Education (N = 58)

 Primary school (6–7 years), N (%)

29 (50)

 Secondary school (8–13 years), N (%)

18 (31)

 University (> 13 years), N (%)

11 (19)

APOE genotype (N = 57)

 ε4 carriers, N (%)

5 (8.8)

 ε4 non-carriers, N (%)

52 (91.2)

  1. SD standard deviation, CSF cerebrospinal fluid, MMSE mini mental state examination, APOE apolipoprotein E