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Table 2 Results of the logistic regression models on the association between oral health problems and components of the frailty phenotype

From: Relationship between oral health and Fried’s frailty criteria in community-dwelling older persons


Oral pain

Impaired masticatory ability

Sex- and age-adj.*OR

[95%CI] p-value

Fully adj.**OR

[95%CI] p-value

Sex- and age-adj.*OR

[95%CI] p-value

Fully adj.**OR

[95%CI] p-value

Frailty phenotype (+1 criterion)

1.85 [1.29–2.65] < .01

1.72 [1.17–2.53] < .01

1.90 [1.24–2.92] < .01

1.70 [1.07–2.72] .02

Weight loss

1.87 [1.16–3.01] .01

1.80 [1.09–2.96] .02

1.67 [0.94–2.96] > .05

1.61 [0.89–2.95] > .05

Lack of endurance

3.30 [1.84–5.90] < .01

3.61 [1.92–6.76] < .01

2.27 [1.12–4.60] .02

2.20 [1.03–4.72] .04

Low physical activity

1.62 [0.97–2.71] > .05

1.65 [0.90–2.68] > .05

2.58 [1.48–4.49] < .01

2.35 [1.29–4.28] < .01

Low handgrip strength

1.93 [1.30–2.88] < .01

1.80 [1.17–2.77] < .01

1.73 [1.08–2.79] .02

1.51 [0.89–2.54] > .05

Low gait speed

1.26 [0.59–2.67] > .05

1.12 [0.49–2.57] > .05

2.84 [1.38–5.85] < .01

3.12 [1.41–6.90] < .01

  1. *Adjustment for sex and age only
  2. **After adjustment for age and gender, as well as number of chronic diseases (0; 1;>2), cognitive impairment (MMSE <24), smoking status (never; past; current), alcoholic consumption (no drinking; moderate, at risk), education and financial problems