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Table 1 Exercise programme

From: Podiatry intervention versus usual care to prevent falls in care homes: pilot randomised controlled trial (the PIRFECT study)




Intensity progression*

Ankle dorsiflexion strength*

(i) Sit with knee extended. (ii) Wrap middle of exercise band around foot. (iii) Grasp ends of bands, and hold at waist, taking up slack. (iv) Push foot down into the band and return slowly.

3 × 10 repetitions

Increase tension strength of resistive exercise band

Ankle plantarflexion strength*

(i) Sit with both knees extended. (ii) Wrap middle of band around the foot of the ankle to be exercised. (iii) Run the band under opposite foot to hold band in place. (iv) Grasp ends of bands, and hold at knee height, taking up slack. (v) Lift foot against the band, hold and slowly return.

3 × 10 repetitions

Increase tension strength of resistive exercise band

Toe plantarflexion strength

(i) Pick up 25 mm diameter marbles and place in box

Pick up 2 × 20 marbles for each foot


  1. *Participants began at an appropriate tension for their current strength capacity. This was determined by finding the tension at which 10 repetitions are possible with full range of motion before fatigue. Once the participant was able to perform 3 sets of 10 repetitions without fatigue, the intensity of the exercise was increased by increasing the resistance of the elastic band. Weekly visits from the research podiatrist allowed assessment of appropriate progression