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Table 2 Dining room variables collected in the Making the Most of Mealtimes Prevalence Study

From: Making the Most of Mealtimes (M3): protocol of a multi-centre cross-sectional study of food intake and its determinants in older adults living in long term care homes

Dining Environment Assessment Protocol (DEAP) [62]

 Type of unit (e.g., segregated dementia)

Diagram of physical layout

Rating of lighting intensity and glare

 General physical space e.g., # chairs, tables, staff stools, entryways, garden/outside views

Components that promote safety

e.g., contrast, rounded edges of furniture, adjustable tables, secured toxic substances, short distance from bedrooms

Components that are homelike/promote orientation

e.g., dining room open between meals, clock, accessible kitchen for residents/families, television, posted menu

 Residents opinions on noise, light, temperature responded to

Size of space rated on homelikeness

Pathways rated on length for meal delivery, and safety

 Presence of obstacles/clutter in dining area

Functionality of space so that staff can view all residents

Use of restraints (lap, chair)

 Mix of seating arrangements (e.g., 2, 4, etc. tablemates)

Overall rating on homelikeness

(1 = low, 8 = high)

Overall rating on functionality of space (1 = low, 8 = high)

Mealtime Scan [63]

 Temperature, luminescence, humidity, sound (@ 4 ×/meal)

Number and types of persons in dining room and adjacent areas if eating

Number eating in own room

 Any food production/delivery issues (e.g., change in menu, problem with food, short staffed)

Orientation cues e.g., food odour, clock, table decorations, table cloth/settings, contrast

Residents involved in mealtime activities

 Noise that could be distracting and source e.g., crushing medications, hallway chatter etc.

Television, music (source and type, loudness level obstructed conversation)

Mealtime-Relational Care Checklist (n = 26 positive and negative items)

 Overall rating of functionality of physical space (low = 1, high = 8)

Overall assessment of social space (low = 1, high = 8)

Overall assessment of person centred care (low = 1, high = 8)