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Table 1 Characteristics of the study sample (n = 312)

From: Concurrent validity of the Swedish version of the life-space assessment questionnaire


Sex, n (%)


147 (47)


165 (53)

Age in years, mean (SD)

80 (5)

Marital status, n (%)


164 (53)


119 (38)

 Never married

13 (4)


16 (5)

Type of housing, n (%)

 Own house

156 (50)


156 (50)

Type of living area, n (%)

 Living in town >5000 inhabitants

206 (66)

 Living in village 200–5000 inhabitants

68 (22)

 Living in small village <200 inhabitants

13 (4)

 Living in the countryside, not in village

25 (8)

Use of assistive devices, n (%)


103 (33)


209 (66)

LSA total score (0–120), mean (SD)

65 (23)

 Independent life-space (0–5), median (Q1-Q3)

4 (2–5)

 Assistive life-space (0–5), median (Q1-Q3)

5 (4–5)

 Maximal life-space (0–5), median (Q1-Q3)

5 (5–5)

SPPB total score (0–12), median (Q1-Q3)

10 (7–11)

 total balance (0–4), median (Q1-Q3)

4 (3–4)

 gait speed (0–4), median (Q1-Q3)

3 (2–4)

 chair stand (0–4), median (Q1-Q3)

3 (1–4)

Stair climbing (1–3), median (Q1-Q3)

2 (2–3)

Transfersa (1–4), median (Q1-Q3)

4 (4–4)

Transportation (1–4), median (Q1-Q3)

4 (3–4)

Food shopping (1–4), median (Q1-Q3)

4 (4–4)

Travel for pleasure (1–5), median (Q1-Q3)

2 (1–2)

Community activities (0–8), median (Q1-Q3)

1 (0–2)

  1. atransfer independently out of bed or between two chairs