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Table 1 Baseline characteristics

From: Increased CSF levels of aromatic amino acids in hip fracture patients with delirium suggests higher monoaminergic activity


No delirium (n = 24)

Delirium (n = 53)


Age, median (IQR)

84 (70–89)

86 (81–90)


Gender, male (%)

7 (29)

16 (30)


APACHE II, median (IQR)a

8 (6–10)

9 (8–11)


IQCODE, median (IQR)

3.1 (3.0–3.6)

4.3 (3.3–4.8)


Dementia (%)

3 (13)

35 (66)


ADL, median (IQR)

19.5 (18–20)

16 (12–19)


CCI, median (IQR)

1 (0–2)

1 (0–2)


  1. aArterial blood gas and hematocrit omitted from formula
  2. IQR interquartile range, APACHE II Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II, IQCODE Informant Questionnaire on Cognitive Decline in the Elderly, ADL activities of daily living, CCI Charlson Comorbidity Index score