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Table 3 Number of GP visits, hospital visits and NHS costs (and 95 % confidence intervals)

From: Cost-effectiveness of a physical exercise programme for residents of care homes: a pilot study



Adjusted for Age and Gender

n = 17

During the 3 months before start of Oomph! classes

During the 3 months after start of Oomph! classes

During the 3 months before start of Oomph! classes

During the 3 months after start of Oomph! classes

GP visits

1.765 (1.04 ; 2.49)

2.235 (1.02 ; 3.45)

1.793 (1.06 ; 2.53)

2.201 (1.11 ; 3.29)

Hospital outpatient visits

0.529 (0.08 ; 0.98)

0.294 (−0.07 ; 0.66)

0.526 (0.12 ; 0.93)

0.296 (−0.05 ; 0.65)

NHS costs

£139 (£67 ; £211)

£135 (£57 ; £213)

£141 (£74 ; £209)

£132 (£67 ; £198)