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Table 1 Characteristics of the included participants (n = 134)

From: Functional performance, nutritional status, and body composition in ambulant community-dwelling individuals 1–3 years after suffering from a cerebral infarction or intracerebral bleeding

At examination


Age, years, mean (SD)

74 (7)

Male, n (%)

93 (69)

Living alone, n (%)

35 (26)

Social support, n (%)


 Yes, partial

36 (27)

 Yes, complete

11 (8)

At stroke

Stroke characteristics, n (%)


 Cerebral infarction

117 (87)

 Intra-cerebral haemorrhage

17 (13)

Thrombolysis, n (%)

6 (5)

CCI, n (%)



83 (63)


37 (27)


12 (9)


2 (1)

Risk factors for stroke, n (%)


 Earlier stroke

27 (21)

 Transient Ischemic Attack

13 (10)


20 (16)

 Atrial fibrillation

28 (22)


82 (65)


18 (14)

SPMSQ, (0–10 p), median (IQR)

10 (1)

  1. Data were collected from the RIKS-Stroke Register and medical records
  2. Abbreviations: CCI Charlson comorbidity index based on weighted conditions, 0–27, SPMSQ Short Portable Mentale Status Questionnaire