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Table 3 Characteristics of older adults with chronic paind who participated in both the baseline and 12-month follow-up assessments (n = 281)

From: Impact of pain characteristics and fear-avoidance beliefs on physical activity levels among older adults with chronic pain: a population-based, longitudinal study



12 month follow-up


Physical activitye, n (%)



 Hardly any physical activity

15 (5.6)

13 (4.8)


 Mostly sedentary

21 (7.8)

23 (8.5)


 Lighter physical exercise, around 2–4 h/week

136 (50.4)

133 (49.3)


 More strenuous exercise, 1–2 times/week

69 (26.6)

82 (30.4)


 More strenuous exercise, at least 3 h/week

15 (5.8)

16 (5.9)


 Hard regular training, several times/week

3 (1.1)

3 (1.1)


Physical activityf (dichotomized), n (%)




87 (32.2)

101 (37.4)



172 (63.7)

169 (62.1)


Self-reported healthg, n (%)


0.046 a


7 (2.5)

7 (2.5)


 Very good

45 (16.0)

49 (17.4)



100 (35.5)

95 (33.7)



114 (40.4)

121 (42.9)



15 (5.3)

10 (3.5)


Self-efficacyh, mean (SD) range

30.8 (6.2) 10–40

30.8 (6.4) 10–40


Kinesiophobiai, mean (SD) range

22.2 (8.4) 11–44

22.7 (8.2) 11–44


Pain durationj, mean (SD) range

10.0 (10.6) 0.5–60

10.0 (10.6) 0.1–50


Pain intensityk, mean (SD) range

3.3 (1.0) 1–6

3.8 (1.0) 1–6


  1. aWilcoxon signed rank test
  2. bMcNemar’s test
  3. cPaired t-test
  4. dPain of duration ≥3 months
  5. eAssessed using Grimby’s activity scale
  6. fAssessed using Grimby’s activity scale, response options 1–3 coded as inactive and 4–6 as active
  7. gAssessed by a single item extracted from SF-12, "How would you generally like to say that your health is?"
  8. hGeneral self-efficacy scale (GSE) score, ranging from 10 to 40 points, with high scores indicating high self-efficacy
  9. iTampa Scale of Kinesiophobia (TSK-11) score, ranging from 11 to 44 points, with high scores indicating high kinesiophobia
  10. jPain duration in years
  11. kPain intensity = “average level of pain in the last week,” measured using a 6-point Likert scale, with answers ranging from No pain at all to Tremendous amount of pain