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Table 1 Baseline characteristics of sample across cognitive function groups in a population-based study of 1570 older British men aged 71–92 years in 2010-12

From: The relationships between body composition characteristics and cognitive functioning in a population-based sample of older British men


Normal cognitive ageing (n = 801, 51 %)

Mild cognitive impairment (n = 636, 41 %)

Severe cognitive impairments (n = 133, 8 %)

P value*

Total TYM Score (M ± SD)

47.73 ± 1.49

41.21 ± 3.13

27.43 (5.33)


Age (M ± SD)

78.09 ± 4.39

78.32 ± 4.69

78.88 ± 4.76


Manual social class, n(%)

272 (35 %)

334 (54 %)

100 (76 %)


Education, n(%) left full-time education at age 14 years or earlier

138 (18 %)

140 (25 %)

44 (39 %)


Physical Activity, Inactive, n(%)

274 (36 %)

247 (42 %)

61 (50 %)


Smoking, Never smoked, n(%)

344 (43 %)

209 (33 %)

41 (31 %)


Alcohol Consumption, Moderate/Heavy Drinker, n(%)

25 (2 %)

10 (2 %)

3 (2 %)


  1. *p value of respective Chi-square or ANOVA test