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Table 1 Strategies to be used to maximise compliance

From: Preventing falls in older multifocal glasses wearers by providing single-lens distance glasses: the protocol for the VISIBLE randomised controlled trial


A strong evidence-based rationale for the intervention and clear recommendations will be provided.


The mechanism by which multifocal glasses can predispose to falls will be demonstrated during counselling using the example of the most commonly reported environmental factor involved in outdoor falls (Figure 2).


New glasses will be provided at no cost.


Perceived barriers to using two pairs of glasses will be identified and discussed during counselling.


An information brochure with recommendations and illustrations on appropriate use of glasses will be provided.


A hard/soft case glasses holder (to be worn around the neck and/or placed in the participant's pocket) to aid the swapping of glasses will be provided.


Second counselling sessions delivered over the phone or at home visits will address perceived barriers to use of glasses for participants with inadequate compliance, i.e. "never/occasionally" complying with the recommendations.


Written reminder cards will be provided with falls diaries and prompts will be made during follow-up telephone calls.