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Table 2 Content of the delirium e-learning course

From: Can an e-learning course improve nursing care for older people at risk of delirium: a stepped wedge cluster randomised trial



I. Introduction

i. Introduction on the e-learning course, the patients from the case studies and the subject

II. What is delirium?

i. Introduction on the goals and content of the chapter


ii. Definition of delirium, its clinical features and course


iii. Risk patients, predisposing and precipitating risk factors, and prevention


iv. Consequences of delirium

III. Risk screening

i. Introduction on the goals and content of the chapter


ii. Predisposing and precipitating risk factors and risk screening


iii. Recording and discussing delirium risk of a patient

IV. Preventive interventions

i. Introduction on the goals and content of the chapter


ii. Short overview of preventive medical interventions


iii. Preventive nursing interventions

V. Early recognition and diagnostics

i. Introduction on the goals and content of the chapter


ii. The importance of early recognition of delirious patients


iii. Delirium Observation Screening scale


iv. Confusion Assessment Method - ICU


v. Delirium and dementia, delirium tremens and delirium caused by medication

VI. Treatment and care

i. Introduction on the goals and content of the chapter


ii. Focus of treatment and disciplines involved


iii. Medical treatment


iv. Nursing interventions regarding treatment and care


v. Aftercare


vi. Delirium in the terminal or palliative phase

VII. More information

i. References to guidelines, rapports and other sources of information on delirium