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Table 1 Components of ordinary care and Continuum of care

From: One-year outcome of frailty indicators and activities of daily living following the randomised controlled trial; “Continuum of care for frail older people”

Intervention components

Ordinary care/control group

Continuum of care for frail older people

Frailty screening and geriatric assessment at emergency department (ED) by nurse with geriatric competence


Yes, need of rehabilitation, nursing, geriatric and social care

Case manager (CM) in the municipality with multi-professional team for care and rehabilitation



Hospital care if needed and rehabilitation at hospital if needed



Track 1. In need of hospital care: information transfer to ward and case manager in the municipality. CM responsible for contacting the ward and the patient in order to prepare the municipality in good time before being discharged



Track 2. Not in need of hospital care: information transfer to case manager in the municipality


Care planning

Yes, at hospital before discharge if assessed as having new or changed needs of home care by a team from the municipality consisting of different professionals (nurse, occupational therapist, physiotherapist or social worker) responsible for all care planning at the hospital Not for persons with no need of hospital care.

Yes, at home for both tracks within a couple of days of discharge, based on ED frailty screening and a comprehensive geriatric assessment by CM and team

Rehabilitation in the municipality if assessed as needed at care planning



Follow-ups other than research

Yes, after rehabilitation

Yes, by CM within a week after care planning and then at least every month for a year