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Table 2 Prevalence of use of medications potentially contributing to urinary symptoms (n = 390)

From: Prevalence of commonly prescribed medications potentially contributing to urinary symptoms in a cohort of older patients seeking care for incontinence

Medication class

Prevalence n (%)

Any medication class

236 (60.5%)

Calcium channel blockers

85 (21.8%)


68 (17.4%)

Other centrally active agents*

65 (16.7%)

ACE inhibitors

56 (14.4%)

Oral estrogens

50 (12.8%)

Oral estrogen + progesterone

12 (3.1%)


38 (9.7%)

GABAergic analgesics

11 (2.8%)

Loop diuretics

7 (1.8%)

Thiazolinedione hypoglycemic agents

3 (0.8%)

Alpha blocking antihypertensives

1 (0.3%)

  1. *Antidepressants, antipsychotics and narcotics were combined.