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Table 1 Self-reported activities of daily living§

From: Capability and dependency in the Newcastle 85+ cohort study. Projections of future care needs

Basic activities of daily living:

feeding self - including cutting up of food

washing face and hands

washing all over*

getting in and out of bed

getting on and off the toilet*

getting in and out of a chair

dressing and undressing*

cutting own toenails

Instrumental activities of daily living:

light housework

heavy housework*

preparing and cooking a hot meal*

shopping for groceries*

taking medication*

managing money*

Mobility items:

getting around the house

going up and down stairs/steps

walking at least 400 yards

Response categories:

can do on own without difficulty

can do on own but with difficulty

can do on own but only with aid or appliance

unable to do without personal help

  1. § 15 of the 17 activities assessed were taken from the 18 activities in the Groningen Activity Restriction Scale (GARS) [36]. The 2 additional items (medicines and money) came from the Leiden 85+ study [4] (which used the GARS and added these items). The phrasing of activities and response options were altered from GARS and made similar to the MRC Health Services Research Collaboration questionnaire [37].
  2. * Activities for which participants who received help were asked who provided the help, how often help was received and whether the help received met their needs.