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Table 2 Overview on the cost categories, the measurement of the resource use and its valuation

From: Nurse-based case management for aged patients with myocardial infarction: study protocol of a randomized controlled trial

Cost category

Resource use


Outpatient care

Number of consultations

€ per consultation

Prescribed drugs

Central pharmaceutical number, ATC code, dose rate

Pharmacy retail price

Inpatient care

Length of stay and number of days on the intensive care unit, if applicable DRG

Daily hospital rate, if applicable DRG

Rehabilitation (excluding primary rehab)

Length of stay

Daily rehabilitation rate

Remedies (physiotherapy, massage)

Number of visits

Average rates

Ambulatory care

Days per week and performed activities (or hours per day)

Average rates for activities (or hours)

Home help

Hours per week

Average labor costs for a home help

Informal care

Care level declared by the long term care insurance

Max amount paid by the long term care insurance if the patient does not make use of formal care