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Table 3 Guidelines for static steady-state, reactive, and proactive balance exercises

From: A best practice fall prevention exercise program to improve balance, strength / power, and psychosocial health in older adults: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial

Balance (static)

Exercise variables



Base of support

Stable to instable: bipedal – semi-tandem – tandem – one leg stance (Figure 2)

Position of feet

i.e., lateral or medial weight shift, on heels or toes, toe angle in or out


i.e., from soft to hard (e.g., grass to concrete), from stable to instable (e.g., concrete to sand)

Sensory input

Impede vision or hearing


Additional motor task – additional cognitive task – additional motor and cognitive tasks

Speed of movement

Decrease or increase of execution speed (i.e., upper arm movements)


Use of i.e., free weights, elastic bands, balls


Controlled perturbations applied by therapist

Reaction to external thread (push or pull) varying in speed, amplitude and direction on ankle, hip, trunk or shoulder level



Combination of steady-state (static) balance tasks with mobility in daily life (e.g., standing up from a chair while reciting a poem and holding a cup of water)

  1. ADL activities of daily living.