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Table 3 Performance Indicators and Quality of Care Received by ED Fallers being Discharged Home Before and After a Multi-faceted Intervention

From: A multi-faceted intervention to implement guideline care and improve quality of care for older people who present to the emergency department with falls


Before (n = 177)

After (n = 136)




1. Reviewed by CCT, N (%)

111 (62.7)

121 (89)


2. Referred for guideline care, N (%)

6 (3.4)

28 (20.6)


3. Referred for single intervention, N (%)

23 (13.0)

29 (21.3)


Quality of care score, mean

18.6 (12.5)

32.6 (23.4)


  1. SD = standard deviation, ED = emergency department, CCT = care coordination team.